Friday, December 31, 2010

Reministream: Jumping for the New Year
When I was a child, the whole family would go to the province every year for Christmas and New Year. We would usually leave the house during the early morning hours when the sun hasn't risen yet and travel by car to Ilocos. It was an exciting time for us --- being awake when the rest of the world was asleep. We would still be in our pajamas, with a sweater or jacket thrown over it. We would have our pillows and blankets with us and we would all be cuddled comfortably on the back seats.

Once in Ilocos, the fun would start: going to the nearby beach everyday...visiting with relatives who would offer gastronomical wonders in the form of bibingka and kalamay...roaming around the town fair (or "perya") at night.

On Christmas eve, there would be a midnight mass. The church would be full of people, young and old. We would feel like celebrities because people stared at us, obvious outsiders --- with our pale skin and chinky eyes. After the mass, there were treats to look forward to: sweet coconut balls and fruit salad...and gift! Loads and loads of gifts!

On New Year's eve, when fireworks were still the "in" thing, uncles and neighbors would set fireworks off in an array of lights and loud bangs! My sisters and I would sit on the window sills and and look outside in wonder. We were small and light enough for the sills to hold all of us! Also, when the church bells would ring at midnight, we would all jump as high as we could to welcome the new year! We were told that if we jump on the eve of the new year, that we would grow tall! And so we jumped...from the top of the stair steps, the chairs, the tables and the window sills!

Now that I look back, those were pretty happy times. Nowadays, it's so difficult to get everyone together, even for just one night. What with different jobs and other responsibilities. We don't get to jump for the new year anymore, since I guess the jumping has done its part...

...we're all taller than we used to be when we were young! ;-)

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