Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weirdstream: Noel

Just like any other place, our subdivision also has its own "town crazy." His name is Noel. Ever since I could remember, I would see him walking around as if he was going some place but he was really going nowhere. I guess he just loves to walk. I would know that he was around our block because I'd hear a loud cackling sound --- like that of a turkey --- that would echo far and wide. It was his laughter. Noel would laugh to himself. Everybody just basically left him alone --- he seemed the harmless type anyway.

One night, my sisters and I got home from a late night bonding and girl talk session over cakes and coffee. I was telling them that I would actually miss Noel. I saw that he was getting on in age --- rail thin and a full crop of white hair on his head. I was wondering out loud if he would still roam the streets after he passes on someday.

After I parked the car and we were all getting inside the house, my sisters freaked out. Noel was standing by our gate, just watching all the commotion. I decidedly ignored him and continued on my business. When I got inside the house, my sister asked me: "Was he there all along?" 

"No, I saw him come our way and he stopped by the gate when he saw us. I think he was just trying to see what the commotion was all about." I said.

"But I didn't see him! Is he still there?"

We all peeked through the widows. Yep, he was still there. My sisters turned off all the lights. I felt like we were some covert operators, hiding from an alien "predator."

My sisters were pretty freaked out. "What the heck is he doing there?" one of them whispered in the dark. I shrugged. "He's just watching us."

"I'm getting outta here!" someone whispered. Two of my sisters slunk up the stairs in the dark. I think one of them even crawled up on all fours --- I wasn't too sure because it was dark. I was left downstairs with one other sister.

"I'm afraid to go up!" she whispered to me in panic. "Just walk up as if nothing's wrong and just ignore him...he'll go away." I said. To prove my point I did exactly as I said and safely made it up the stairs to the rooms. My sister followed. 

In the room, one of my sisters quipped:

"So Jet, what were you saying about missing him?"

I left the room with a totally different perspective. 

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