Friday, January 7, 2011

Bookstream: Julia Quinn

I consider Julia Quinn's books "light" reading. Her novels are the kinds of books I read for rest and relaxation. Her writing has a poetic quality to it, most likely because she writes historical romances. As an author, she has a great sense of humor. Any author that can make me laugh out loud is an author I would choose to read again and again.

The first Julia Quinn book that I read was titled "An Offer from a Gentleman," set in the late 1700's. The book had a Cinderella-like feel to it...which was perfect for me because I love fairy tales!This blog proves it! 

I was glad that it was the first of Julia Quinn's books that I read. It was well written and the plot was everything I wanted in a story.i would love to talk about the book in detail, but I might ruin the surprise for anyone interested in reading it. Anyway, with that book, I was hooked. The fact that it was part of a series of books also  helped. It made me want to find out how she thought of happy endings for those other interesting characters. And so I started "collecting" her books...from the series to the stand-alones.

I haven't read her latest book "Ten Things I like About You" but it will definitely be part of my to-read list!

To find out more about Julia Quinn and her books, check out her website:


  1. Julia Quinn is much younger than I had imagined. I keep thinking about the medicine woman.hehe.

  2. Hahaha! Yes, she's still young...and I admire her all the more because of that! She wrote the Cavendish book. ;-)
