Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Safetystream: Why Car Doors Should Always be Locked
The other night, my sisters and I were on the way home from a road trip to Tagaytay. It was around 1:30 in the morning. As we stopped by the stoplight, a couple of boys, round about 10 to 12 years old approached the car. I think their intention was to beg for money, but we decided to ignore them. I only give money to old people who can't work anymore. People who look like they could earn a decent living --- I would usually ignore. Anyway, as they were knocking on my window, they started harassing me (I was driving). 

This boy of about 10 years old, started cursing at me and shouting at me. But what scared me the most, was the fact that he was already trying to open the car door. I was glad I had the door locked! Now, the thing about this was that the whole day, my sisters had to remind me to lock the car doors. Yes, I've been forgetting to lock up while we were in the car. 

It was a jarring wake up call for me. If my sisters hadn't reminded me time and again to lock up, I would have forgotten it again and again. I'm glad now that they did or else I wouldn't know what would have happened if I didn't. Same goes anywhere --- in a cab, at home, in the bathroom --- always lock up! We never want to get caught with our pants down!

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