Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jetstream: This Christmas

Christmas Tree clipart
copyright (c) Lucy Learns Ltd ( www.lucylearns.com)
Two Christmases ago, I was at work. I had a choice between staying in the office on Christmas Day or on New Year's Eve. I sacrificed my new year once and I was never, ever doing it again. And so I chose to sacrifice my Christmas.

Spending the holidays inside the office is always a lonely event. It's difficult to feel the Christmas cheer when you're in a dreary, quiet place (everyone else had the good sense to file a leave a month or two in advance!). While everyone else is celebrating and spending time with those most important to them, I was at work staring at my computer, counting the hours till it was time to leave. On the eve of Christmas, I would get a call from my sisters who would tell me what they were doing and eating at the moment...I was just having instant coffee from the pantry. New year's eve was even worse. I'll post a blog on that soon.

Anyway, I'm glad that now, I got the chance to spend the holidays with those whom I consider more important than my paycheck. 

My Christmas for this year was merry indeed. I hope that yours was as well.

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